Accueil Le marché est en baisse, l’influence de la BTC ayant diminué de moitié, mais BlastUP poursuit son ascension en levant plus de 4,7 millions de dollars.

Le marché est en baisse, l’influence de la BTC ayant diminué de moitié, mais BlastUP poursuit son ascension en levant plus de 4,7 millions de dollars.

Romaric Saint Aubert Journaliste Author expertise
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Le marché est en baisse
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Le marché est en baisse, l’influence de la BTC ayant diminué de moitié, mais BlastUP poursuit son ascension en levant plus de 4,7 millions de dollars.

The crypto market remains under bears’ grip influenced by the possible impact of the Bitcoin halving. This event, which halves the reward for mining BTC, is fueling heated debate about the direction the market may take. Meanwhile, Bitcoin sees massive outflows of capital with over $80 million liquidated recently, which caused the coin plunge below $63,000. 

While general market sentiment remains pessimistic, savvy investors are shifting their focus to emerging, promising contenders. Specifically, BlastUP has gained much attention recently, with its successful presale attracting investments of over $4.6 million so far.

Presale opportunities: benefits of early-bird investments

Cryptocurrency presales are opportunities for early-stage crypto projects to sell tokens to investors prior to a public offering. By arranging presales, projects get initial funding, build a community of committed supporters, and give early adopters a chance to benefit from potential future gains. The most outstanding case of presale success is the one of Ethereum. Its presale was held in 2014, and back then it was possible to buy Ether tokens at as low as $0.31 per ETH. The fortunate investors who capitalized on the chance to acquire this undervalued asset, transformed their modest investments into significant fortunes.

When evaluating cryptocurrency presales, several key factors should be considered: 

  • the project’s whitepaper
  • the team’s expertise
  • the feasibility of the technology
  • the economic model of the token (tokenomics).

It’s important to scrutinize the project’s underlying concept to assess its practicality and potential impact on the market.  

Presales are private events, distinct from initial coin offerings (ICOs), and often offer benefits like discounted token prices. This allows investors to buy tokens at a reduced rate, which can lead to substantial returns if the project succeeds.  

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BlastUP ticks all the boxes needed to succeed

BlastUP is the first launchpad on Blast that is gaining traction fast thanks to its robust concept, strong backing by an experienced team of crypto developers and well-elaborated tokemonics. Its integration into Blast adds reliability, as this unique Layer 2 blockchain has a large following, achieving a total locked value (TLV) of $1 billion within just one month. Additionally, the recent launch of the Blast Mainnet has propelled it into the top 10 projects by TLV.

The BlastUP platform stands out in the Blast ecosystem as it plays a vital role, serving a launching pad for crypto startups and dedicated to help them grow faster and earn more. This approach has already caught the attention of many early-stage investors who see significant potential in it. BlastUP boasts a large and growing community, with over 10,000 BLP token holders already on board and more people willing to secure their spot in this promising venture.

The presale of BlastUP tokens has made significant progress, with six phases already completed and four remaining. This presents an opportunity for those seeking hidden cryptocurrency gems to purchase $BLP tokens at a compelling price.

The ongoing success of the BlastUP token presale is evident, with over $4.7 million raised in just a few weeks. This impressive figure underscores the trust and commitment of early adopters who recognize the project’s substantial potential. 

BlastUP’s reliability confirmed by CertiK and Assure DeFi

BlastUP has successfully passed the compliance checks by CertiK and Assure DeFi, two of the most reputable audit agencies in the industry. This endorsement serves as a testament to BlastUP’s commitment to security and trustworthiness, key attributes for attracting both developers and investors to the platform. 

This validation is crucial in establishing BlastUP’s credibility in the rapidly evolving blockchain environment, further enhancing its position as a dependable partner for launching new and innovative crypto projects.

BlastUP serves catalyst for blockchain startup success

BlastUP acts as a powerful catalyst for fostering a conducive environment for DApp launches. At the heart of its strategy is the Launchpad Accelerator, which equips startup teams with comprehensive documentation and sophisticated tokenomics, thereby facilitating effective capital raising.

Security is a cornerstone of BlastUP’s ethos. The platform’s rigorous Project Screening ensures that only the most credible projects are admitted, thus preserving the integrity of its ecosystem. This steadfast commitment to security solidifies BlastUP’s status as the go-to platform for those seeking reliability and trustworthiness.

Looking ahead, BlastUP plans to improve the way startups get launched on the Blast network by incorporating AI and Web3 technologies. Its strategic roadmap through 2026 includes bold initiatives such as an AI-enhanced IDO screener, specialized tools for AI-equipped startup teams, and the introduction of an interactive Community Marketplace. These initiatives underline BlastUP’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of its ecosystem and becoming the major force in the crypto realm. 


As the Bitcoin halving event approaches, casting uncertainty over the cryptocurrency market, BlastUP attracts attention with its high potential for growth. Despite the bearish sentiment overshadowing the general crypto space, BlastUP has successfully attracted substantial interest through its presale, raising over $4.7 million. This is indicative of the platform’s robust foundation and the compelling value proposition it offers to investors looking for emerging opportunities in blockchain technology. The approval from reputable audit agencies like CertiK and Assure DeFi further validates its security and trustworthiness, bolstering its appeal as a launchpad for blockchain startups. With its forward-looking initiatives and a strong focus on integrating AI and Web3 technologies, BlastUP is not just navigating the current market dynamics effectively but is also setting the stage for sustained influence and success in the evolving blockchain ecosystem.

BlastUP official website

  • Projet prometteur et plus évolutif que Solana
  • Aucune congestion ni transaction échouée
  • Un gros potentiel multi chaînes
Projet lancé
Novembre 2024
Meme, Multi-Chain
Méthodes d'achat
  • Ethereum
  • USDT
  • Debit
  • Le pari ultime sur le prochain cycle haussier massif qui arrive pour Bitcoin
  • Conservez des jetons $BTCBULL, gagnez des airdrops BTC
  • Construit sur Ethereum, avec staking APY élevé dans un contrat intelligent sécurisé
Projet lancé
Février 2025
Méthodes d'achat
  • Ethereum
  • USDT
  • Debit
  • Agent IA auto-évolutif interagissant avec des réseaux dont X
  • En une seule transaction, achetez et stakez des tokens $MIND
  • Recevez des récompenses de staking de 773%
Projet lancé
Janvier 2025
IA, Meme
Méthodes d'achat
  • Debit
  • Ethereum
  • BNB
  • USDT
  • +1 plus
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Romaric Saint Aubert Journaliste

Romaric Saint Aubert Journaliste


Romaric est journaliste pour Cryptonaute. Après un passage en faculté de lettres modernes, il s’oriente dans un domaine tout à fait différent, tout en gardant l’œil rivé sur les crypto et l’actualité de l’époque. Il investit alors dans son premier actif numérique : le bitcoin (BTC).

Majoritairement intéressé par Bitcoin, il s’est diversifié plus tard en se penchant également sur le web3, les NFT, les crypto-monnaies et la FinTech. Investisseur aguerri, il est capable d'orienter son entourage et ses lecteurs. Son expérience au sein de l’écosystème crypto et sur la blockchain lui permettent de proposer une actualité précise et experte à ses lecteurs, tout en gardant un recul et une objectivité indispensable à son activité.

Romaric se rend régulièrement en conférence ou à divers événements crypto dans toute l'Europe, notamment aux conférences Bitcoin, au Zebu Live ou aux événements relatifs à la blockchain. Fasciné par ce secteur en plein développement, il aime découvrir de nouveaux projets, apprécie l’innovation, et se laisse porter par son enthousiasme et sa curiosité.


  • Bitcoin
  • Cybersécurité
  • Régulation cryptos


  • Révélé un cas rare de cyberfraude
  • Rencontre avec de nombreux innovateurs de l’industrie
  • Participe à la création d’une équipe dédiée de journalistes



  • Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France


  • Carte de presse FIJ n°1385
  • Journaliste indépendant

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